About Me

My name is Line Krogsgaard Erichsen, and I am the founder and CEO of Erichsen Consulting, a marketing and management consultancy that helps Scandinavian businesses. 

Who is behind Erichsen Consulting?

My name is Line Krogsgaard Erichsen, and I am a marketing and management consultant. I am Danish, born and raised in Aalborg, proudly living on the Costa del Sol since 2017. Erichsen Consulting was founded at the beginning of 2021 because I want to help Scandinavian businesses reach their full potential with a strategic and data-driven approach to online marketing.

Being self-employed often means that your business is your life – and life is too short not to do the things you like. Therefore, I want to help business owners obtain more leads while getting more time to do the tasks they like the most and do the best. It is a win-win situation, as I love to help businesses get better results and grow more relevant leads through online marketing efforts.

Satisfied clients

Blogs, Newsletters & Landing Pages

Optimised Google Ads Accounts

Cups of Coffee


My interests led me to a bachelor’s degree in International Business Communication with Spanish, IT and communication, which I graduated from in 2015 from Aalborg University. Afterwards, I took a Master’s degree in Culture, Communication and Globalisation in English, during which I did an internship at Norrbom Marketing in Mijas in 2016.

I wrote articles for the magazine La Danesa (targeting Danish businesses on the Costa del Sol), created and held courses about social media usage for companies and managed the Facebook pages of Scandinavian businesses based on the Costa del Sol.

As soon as I finished my master’s degree from Aalborg University, I packed my bags again and moved to Fuengirola. I started my carreer in the customer service industry, where strategic and excellent communication is a necessity. After a while, I was craving more challenges and started in a Swiss marketing agency where I became a certified Google Ads Specialist and managed around 60 Google Ads accounts for Scandinavian clients.

Later, I became General Manager and Head of Quality Assurance in the company. This included leading and hiring employees, setting and reaching KPIs, securing high-quality customer service, and developing processes to improve the company’s effectiveness and communication. The result was an increase in the customer retention rate of 71 %.

Today, I have 15 years of experience in communication and marketing. The overall goal in my various employments has been to retain and get more customers. For the last 10 years, I have been managing and creating customer-centric content for social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram. Together, my interests, educational background, training and practical experiences have led me to help businesses grow through strategic communication and data-driven online marketing such as Google Ads, Social Media Marketing, and copywriting for newsletters, blogs and content for landing pages.

I’m a sucker for fine words, lead generation, optimisation, efficiency and the concept of more value for the money.


I have been with the property management company LookHome MS since it was founded in 2020. By providing marketing and management consulting, we have gone from 0 clients to more than 100 in one year and a half, with leads coming on a daily basis! How? By applying online marketing strategies based on data, focused on goals. This involves consistent organic social media efforts (Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn), copywriting for the website, and last but not least Google Ads campaigns.

lookhome ms review erichsen consulting


  • Communication
  • Copywriting
  • Google Ads
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Strategy
  • Danish
  • English
  • Spanish

“I am passionate about my work and love what I do. I have always enjoyed writing, reading and being creative. I was one of those kids who liked going to school because I loved learning and growing. These are fundamental building blocks of my business strategy today.”

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