Client Testimonials

Client Success Stories: Real Experiences, Real Results

Our experience collaborating with Line could be summed up as exceeding all possible expectations.

In TransPerfect, and especially for Just Eat client, our main goal is not only to translate but to embrace an outstanding quality without jeopardizing creativity.

And with this in mind, Line managed to provide top quality Danish copies.

Thanks to Line, TransPerfect has been able to achieve the highest client satisfaction rates ever for Danish market, that’s why we consider her the best option when it comes to take the marketing copies up a notch.



TransPerfect JET

Vi har hos Mojo efterhånden haft glæde af Lines services i det meste af 2022 (og det fortsætter vi forhåbentligt med) til tekstforfatning på dansk og engelsk til blogs, nyhedsbreve og andre skriftlige opgaver. Hun har også hjulpet os med analyse og optimering af vores hjemmeside samt tekstforfatning til vores nye hjemmesider. Vi kan på det varmeste anbefale Line og Erichsen Consulting. Line skriver godt og så er hun fantastisk, professionel, pligtopfyldende og nem at samarbejde med. Derudover er hun positiv og har altid ja-hatten på, hvilket passer perfekt til den måde, vi driver forretning på hos Mojo Estates!

Per Mønsted

Co-owner, Mojo Estates

We have acquired Line’s assistance to set up our Meta and Google advertisements. She has been very productive, and we are super excited about the results. We really recommend Lines services.

She is knowledgable and works hard to always keep onto of new measures from Meta and Google. Line is very pleasant to work with.
Big thanks from us!

Kaarsberg Estate

Real Estate Agency, Mijas, Spain

Winningtemp has a strong brand in Sweden, but when we decided to enter the Danish market we contacted Line for help on how to adjust the messaging to the Danish culture. She helped us so much with marketing research and gave us the marketing consulting we needed.

Personally I appreciated the structured way of working with Line and how she found several collaborations for us to successfully enter the Danish market.

Emma Nilsrud

Demand Generation Manager, Winningtemp

Line har de sidste 5-6 år udført et SUPER stykke arbejde for Frisør Hanne, Boulevarden 11 i Aalborg, hvor hun dels har udført vore ønsker hurtigt og til tiden og dels selv er kommet med mange gode kreative ideer, til at forbedre både brugervenligheden og selve kundeinformationen. Der har altid været strategi og planer for ‘next move’ ift. kundekommunikation. Pga. Covid-19, har det været suverent godt, at have en sikker og inspirerende kommunikation til og med vore gode kunder 🙂

Frisør Hanne

Frisør Hanne

A wonderful and professional partner!

Brian Nielsen

BRIAN NIELSEN GROUP, Brian Nielsen, Golf & Events

Line is an extremely competent, knowledgeable and hardworking person. She won’t shy away from any need you may have as a customer and keeps a high standard with great work ethic. Also, Line will bring ideas, suggestions and solutions to the table that can take you further or even in a new direction to grow your business. Any step taken will be explained: why this step is positive for you, what you gain from it and how it’s going to be done. Added to all her professional expertise is her lovely personality. Line is easy-going, empathetic and understanding, patient when you ask a million questions (like I do!) or don’t understand something. I highly recommend her.

Tereza Lindberg


Line offers an excellent service, she is very competent throughout the whole process and provides helpful insights and tools to optimize marketing strategies and the overall management. Highly recommend! 👍🏼

Guri Birgitte Poulsen

Freelance Translator, Fuengirola, Spain

Line has been helping LookHome MS with Google Ads, social media strategy and management, Google MyBusiness and other tasks related to marketing strategy and business management in the last couple of years in Danish and English. She is pro-active, precise and dynamic! I highly recommend her!

Jonathan Paquay

CEO & Founder, LookHome MS

Line Erichsen is a very professional and detail oriented person who recognises that good communication and a lot of feedback pave the quickest road to amazing results. Line comes forward with the best go-getter attitude and a level of determination and engagement that will only lead to great collaboration and success. I am very happy that I have the pleasure of working together with Line, and I highly benefit from her creative solutions and suggestions that are both eye-opening and highly rewarding on not only a professional but also a personal level.

Natascha Pustelnik


Line managed a project for me for LinkedIn and did so with great expertise and fast and clear communication. It took her a fraction of the time in comparison to the time I would have spent doing it myself. A joy to work with, will absolutely recommend for any social media related project as she clearly knows her way around these fields.

Louise Mercedes Frank

Owner, Translation & Copy by Louise Mercedes Frank

Det var en fornøjelse at arbejde sammen med Line. Hun er kompetent, byder godt ind, har overblik og er organiseret. Hun har vores varmeste anbefalinger.

Michael Kolodnicki

CEO & Owner, Rincón Rent

I have had the pleasure of investing in Line as my marketing consultant to grow my business in spain. I can only give here 5 stars out of 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ She gives you more than you will expect. She is really listening to what you need and then gives you more than you expect.

Heidi Møller

CEO & Owner, Power Performance

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